Unit 4: Explore Jonah 2

Family Guide 8: Jonah 2 Summary

After you've illustrated Jonah and the Sailors, use this family guide to have a conversation about what you observed.


Briefly discuss the following as a family:

What was your favorite frame to illustrate in the storyboard of Jonah's first prayer?

Conversation Guide

Self Reflection
When you were illustrating, what did you notice in the story that you hadn't noticed before?
Answer is private, viewable by you only.
Multiple Choice
How long is Jonah in the great fish?
three days and three nights
one night
two days and one night
Multiple Choice
Which of the following do we see in Jonah's prayer?
Jonah thanks God
Jonah tells God he is sorry
Jonah tells God he will go to Nineveh
Jonah says that God cast him into the heart of the sea

Jonah is praying this prayer from inside the great fish. But in the fourth frame Jonah begins this prayer by telling God a story about a different prayer. Jonah tells a story about how he called out to Yahweh in distress. Frames 4-8 tell the story of Yahweh answering Jonah by causing him to sink to the pit of the sea. 

Yahweh doesn't rescue Jonah by sending the great fish until the last frame on the first page. On the first frame of the second page, Jonah talks about how close to death he was when Yahweh finally sent the great fish to rescue him.

On the 2nd frame of page two, Jonah begins to compare himself to people who worship idols. 

Multiple Choice
Who have we met in the story of Jonah that worshipped other gods?
The great fish
The sailors

Jonah is about to contrast himself with the sailors. However, in the previous chapter, the sailors begin to worship Yahweh the true God, so it's interesting that Jonah chose not to pay attention to this.

Multiple Choice
Jonah says he will “sacrifice” and “vow” to Yahweh. Where have we heard these words already?
Jonah made sacrifices and vows to Yahweh on the ship
The sailors made sacrifices and vows to Yahweh on the ship
The great fish sacrificed a fun day of scaring sailors and vowed to rescue Jonah

Jonah “says” he will do the thing that the non-Israelite characters actually do. We have to continue reading the next chapters to see if he follows through.

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