Unit 4: Explore Jonah 2

Family Guide 7: Jonah's First Prayer Storyboard

(Note: Illustrating Scripture can be a great form of meditation, so it's helpful to provide a relaxed environment for this.)


Briefly discuss the following as a family:

What's the most surprising thing you've discovered in Jonah so far?


Remember, illustrating a story helps us think about it and really picture what is happening. In this story, it will help keep all the words in Jonah's prayer from running together. 

As you illustrate, you'll want to pay attention to a few things:

  • Try to make Jonah's hands and face match the words. This will help make each frame different.
  • In the fourth frame, sheol is the Hebrew word for grave.
  • Some frames mention things you can see, like a river, God's temple, or kelp. Including these in your drawings will make it easier for you to picture Jonah's prayer.